Friday, 30 March 2012


Hello everybody!

Sorry that I haven't updated my blog in a while. School has been taking up almost all of my time and I completely forgot about this little piece of the internet. Now that the school year is winding down, I think I can spare a few minutes.

In my last post I was desperately working on a paper. As it turns out I changed my paper topic because I was not comfortable with the topic of HIV/AIDS. It's not like I don't want to write about it due to the taboo nature of the disease, I just felt that I could write a better paper on Stroke than AIDS. In the end I'm happy with my decision because I managed to do well on my paper.

Speaking of good marks, it looks like I'm on a role! I've been getting B+'s and A's across the board. The term started slow and is getting better and better. Thank you to who ever is looking out for me and praying for me. Couldn't have done it without you.

Two more weeks and I will be free for another summer and I can finally put the hardest year of nursing behind me :)